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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alliaj HM ailerons/flaps control horns

Here is a picture of the control horn on the flap. Some builder prefer to integrate everything but I prefered to do different because I don't want any slope on the command.

I position the horn to have the hole just on top of the surface of the skin.
Then I used transparent servo covers.

This allows to have a quick look at the servos if needed.

Another view of the radio installation before I finished it:

Everything you wanted to know about Airliners

It's not about F3F ;) but it's too good: I received these pictures from a friend working at Airbus. Kulula is a South African companie and they found a very funny and instructive way to color their airliner, have a look:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Multifun Color scheme

I received this picture from Telink. This is the new color scheme of the Multifun, a EPP glider made for aerobatics. As you can see, this new color scheme is pretty nice !

You will find the review I did on planet-soaring: click here

Monday, January 25, 2010

Alliaj HM assembly continues

The assembly of the 2 Alliaj HM is progressing slowly. I have finished the radio installation on one model. This is my first 2.4 Ghz installation on a F3F ship. I found that this layout would be the best, but it still need to be confirmed during the first flight.

You can see that one antenna is horizontal and the other one is vertical, in order to respect the ideal 90° between both. I'm using 5 Eneloop cells, regulated with a regslim voltage regulator.

In front of the batterie will be the lead (to be done).

On the wing, servos installation went well. I used Airtonics on the flaps and the new Hyperion 95FMD on the ailerons.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Viking Race 2010 logo

After the french F3F portal logo, I worked on the Viking Race logo to obtain the following one:

This logo will be used widely on T-shirt, jackets, stickers, websites, letters to communicate around this competition. It has been dons under photoshop CS4, then vectorized using Corel draw in order to size it easily.

What will be the next logo ? ... no idea ... maybe I should revisit the planet-soaring's one ?

Slope soaring paradise under the snow

I spent my Sunday to visit a friend who lives in the middle of the Trièves, our alpine soaring paradise. But at the moment, it is absolutely impossible to fly because of the weather: 70 to 100 cm of snow and -8° celcius temperatures !

You can find my picasa photo album here: picasaweb

F3G and F3B in Kulmbach / Germany, a tradition continues!

From May 10th to May 12th, 2024, the Kulmbach model aircraft association organized a combined competition on its own model aircraft site nea...