After reselling IFS, and acquired Weatronic, Graupner just released their "home designed and developped" completely new 2.4 system called HoTT (Hopping, Telemetry, Transmission) with up to 75 channels in the 2.4-GHz band.

It offers integrated telemetry in real time, is fully programmable with the help of the Smartbox (very similar to the Jeti Box).

System Features:
- Simple, extremely fast binding
- Range test and warning function
- Low-voltage warning
- Extremely broad receiver operating voltage range from 3.6 V to 8.4 V
(functional to 2.5V)
- Failsafe, free channel allocation (channel mapping); mixer functions and all servo - settings can be programmed simply with the HoTT-Smartbox
- Binding of any number of receivers for channel expansion (maximum of 32 channels)
- Up to 4 servos can be controlled simultaneously as a block with a signal repetition time of 10 ms (only digital servos!)
- Maximum immunity to interference through optimized frequency hopping and broad channel spread
- Intelligent Data transmission with correction function
- Extremely fast rebinding, even at maximum distance
- Telemetry analysis in real time
- Over 200 systems can be used simultaneously
- Future-proof through update capability via USB interface
Apart the update capability via USB interface which is really a nice feature, the rest looks like a jeti system !
more information in this
document in EnglishRegarding the prices, they seems to me pretty aggressive with a 8 channel receiver at 75 Euros. Once again, Jeti seems the target.
The MX16 HoTT with a 8 Channel receiver is annouced at 329 Euros.
So the question is: Is it the end of the IFS system at Graupner ?
Maybe Jim Drew can anwser us ...
We all know that Graupner is not going very well at the moment, so the success of the HoTT system is critical for them !