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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Slope Dogfighting Video

This excellent video from Gref Ritz captured great Slope Dogfighting actions, fly by, mid air with an onboard cam in South Africa. Enjoy !

RC Soaring Digest, December issue

The December issue of RC Soaring Digest is released and uses one of my pictures, taken a long time ago: Benjamin Clamaron's 5 meter Nimbus 4D doing a fly-by at Le Col du Glandon in the French Alps. RCSD is a webzine, PDF format you can download freely at the following URL. Every month, you can read report, review, and technical articles.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Electro Schwing

I read on Sloperacer's blog that an electro version of the Schwing is approaching. The design of the fuselage shows that the front part of the fuselage is removable and contains the motor, the ESC and the batteries. This layout is pretty interresting from my point of view because it give a good access to the different component. You can find more information here

An afternoon at a new slope

Autumn, while the season is off, is a good time to relax a bit, find and test new slope. This is what I did last saturday, taking the opportunity that the weather what not too bad, with good south wind. This slope is located at mid heigh of a well known slope near my home place. With what variable but on the slope. Landing has been a bit problematic with some rare stones here and there, some bushes also. But access is easy, and the lift is good. Here is a video I filmed there, flyin my Needle 100 and Schwing 88.

Testing a new slope from Pierre Rondel on Vimeo.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

X-Games Pylons from Opale Paramodels

I'm currently reviewing the X-Games Pylons from Opale Paramodels. Inspired from the famous Red Bull Air Race's one, they are inflatable pylons, made of Ripstop nylon (white part) and heavy nylon for lowers parts, and include a 120-140mm diameter fan.

What is nice with these Pylons is that they can be installed extremely quickly, and a simple 3S Lipo battery 4A can last about an entire afternoon.

We already used them with sucess at the coupe Icare during the aeromdelling show. Yesterday afternoon, with my clubmate Joël, we installed them in a field to do some pictures and especailly video sequences. It should give an interresting and nice video clip, stay tuned !

  • Heigh: 380 cm
  • Width : 98 cm
  • Materials : Ripstop nylon and heavy nylon for lowers parts
  • 4x Containers for ballast
  • 4x Loop for pickets fixation
  • Power consumption : 6W
  • Average time inflate with a 3S 4000mAh Lipo : 4 / 5 hours.
  • Price: starts from 159 Euros
Manufacturer website: Opale Paramodels

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Video: French National F3F Championship

The following video has been filmed by the tourism office of the place where we organized the championship, last may.

F3G and F3B in Kulmbach / Germany, a tradition continues!

From May 10th to May 12th, 2024, the Kulmbach model aircraft association organized a combined competition on its own model aircraft site nea...