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Friday, January 31, 2014

Dream-Flight new item: The LIBELLE

The manufacturer of the well known Alula Evo and Weasel Evo, after announcing few days ago the end of life of the Alula, released today the LIBELLE, a RC Hand Launch glider with a 1.2m wingspan, made from EPO, carbon and using some platic parts for the assembly. You can find mor information on the following PDF document: LIBELLE.

Availability date is end of february, so less than one month from now ! Stay tuned !!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

HITEC: New Items 2014

2 New radios in the HITEC catalog. You can download it here.

E-FLITE: Allusive 2.2 m electric glider

E-Flite is also releasing a 2.2 m glider, with V-tail, fiberglass fuselage, foam-core fully-balsa sheeted, and
carbon fiber wing and stabilizer joiners.

E-FLITE: UMX micro Radian

Another nice new item: A Micro radian (only 730mm wingspan) equiped with an UMX gyro.

HYPE: Acro and Vector

Interresting concept with the vector from Hype, using a motor inspired by the thrust vectoring.

JR PROPO: 2014 Catalog

 The Catalog 2014 from JR Propo can be downloaded here. Please note that the new 28X is not part of the current catalog, so we can expect a updated version soon.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

ROBBE acquired by a group of investors

Shortly before the International Toy Fair was today announced that a group of investors with effect from 01 February 2014 accepts shares of robbe . The group of investors holding according to official figures already several investments in medium-sized technology companies. The new ownership structure will also lead to changes in the company's management . So Philip Janssen has received , who accompanied the group of investors for years in business operations , in the past week its activity in the robbe - management. The current CEO Eberhard dried , however, will leave the company after a transition phase. " Is the experience of the group of investors from various technology areas to strengthen the position of robbe in the ever-changing market of technical modeling ," Philip Janssen and Eberhard dried split in a joint statement with . " robbe expected from the new commitment of additional resources to support new innovations in sports model for the maintenance and expansion of the strong market position of robbe .

Original text in german: Paukenschlag bei robbe. Kurz vor der Internationalen Spielwarenmesse wurde heute bekannt, dass eine Investorengruppe mit Wirkung zum 01. Februar 2014 Anteile an der robbe Modellsport GmbH übernimmt. Die Investorengruppe hält laut offiziellen Angaben bereits mehrere Beteiligungen an mittelständischen Technologieunternehmen. Die neuen Eigentumsverhältnisse werden auch zu Veränderungen in der Unternehmensleitung führen. So hat Philip Janssen (rechts im Bild), der die Investorengruppe seit Jahren im operativen Geschäft begleitet, in der vergangenen Woche seine Tätigkeit in der robbe-Geschäftsführung aufgenommen. Der aktuelle Geschäftsführer Eberhard Dörr hingegen wird das Unternehmen nach einer Übergangsphase verlassen. "Die Erfahrungen der Investorengruppe aus diversen Technologiebereichen wird die Stellung von robbe Modellsport im sich stetig wandelnden Markt des technischen Modellbaus stärken", teilten Philip Janssen und Eberhard Dörr in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung mit. "robbe erwartet aus dem neuen Engagement zusätzliche Ressourcen zur Förderung neuer Innovationen im Modellsport für den Erhalt und Ausbau der starken Marktposition von robbe."

Friday, January 17, 2014

Graupner: New items 2014

It seems that, this year, companies will not wait Nürmberg show to release their catalog. At least, this is the case for Graupner. The reason is maybe because there is no new items in fact. Every items are already known. You can download the catalog here.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Raviole Soaring

Yesterday, we had the first competition of the friendly unofficial winter league with 6 pilots. We arrived around 11am, and flew until 2pm. The wind was about 5 m/s at the pilot point which is not at the edge. We mostly flew unballasted, and had to work hard on the trajectory to keep the speed and energy in turn. Very interresting and challenging. We managed to do 9 rounds. Then decided to switch to free flight before the wind dies slowly.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

JR Propo 28X unveiled !

At the AMA Expo 2014, JR unveiled its long-waited flagship transmitter called 28X ! Android 4.3, dual processors, TFT touch screen, 28 channels, 15 flight modes, USB connectivity to PC, CNC aluminium milled gimbals, audio controller with voice capabilities, customizable tone notifications, and many other things ! With this 28X, JR Propo really struck a blow !

Thursday, January 2, 2014

First flight of the year 2014 !

First flight of the year 2014 ! After 30 minutes of walk to reach the top of the slope, because of the snow, conditions were fine, not too cold, and the landscape stunning again ! I flew my Needle 115 with the Mobius cam attached at the wing tip, trying to capture the beauty of the place. I also did some video combined witht he GoPro and my EOS 650D. Here is the result:

First flight of 2014 from Pierre Rondel on Vimeo.

Aerial pictures: Above Grenoble

Well, in fact not exactly, but with the perspective, it looks like ! I took of from a small field not very far from my home and did some aerial pictures with the Mobius and the Solius, taking the opportunity of a clear and blue sky. Grenoble is in the center of 2 mountain massifs: The vercors in my back so you don't see it, the chartreuse on the let of Grenoble, and the Belledonne massif in front with snow.

F3G and F3B in Kulmbach / Germany, a tradition continues!

From May 10th to May 12th, 2024, the Kulmbach model aircraft association organized a combined competition on its own model aircraft site nea...