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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Windyty: A super forecast App/software for our hobby !

During last week F3F world championship, I tried an App, which also exists as a web site (https://www.windytv.com), and which is a great tool for our hobby.

We usually use Windfinder or equivalent weather forecast App giving the wind speed and direction, with sometimes the exact direction in degree, or rain forecast, temperature, etc ...

But what is missing is the mapping of the wind direction forecast applied on a map or satellite photo.
And this is exactly what Windyty proposes. This free App/Web include weather forecasts provided by meteoblue (meteogram, airgram, etc ...), but the best part is really the animation of the wind on a satellite photo, where you can see the evolution during the day, or the next days. Graphics are really nice, and nothing is missing as you can select the altitude, rain accumulation, temperature. The App is also very intuitive.

I greatly recommend this App if you have a smartphone, so you can see if the wind direction is correctly oriented to you local slope, or select the right slope among several slope.

The example below with one of my favourite slope "La Muela" in Spain, where you can see in purple the lines indicating the wind direction. The speed of the animation indicates the wind speed. the bar at the bottom allows to see the evolution of the wind speed/direction over a period of time.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Invite from the Two Ocean Slope Soarers Committee (South Africa)

The Two Ocean Slope Soarers Committee would like to extend an open invitation to all French Pilots to our annual slope aerobatics competition, our next event will be hosted on the 27th to the 29th of January 2017. This would be an excellent opportunity to experience a holiday in Cape Town, South Africa while enjoying
your sport of slope soaring and precision aerobatics during the course of your stay.
Competition format:

  • 2 days (Sat & Sun) + practice day (Fri)
  • Total of 3 rounds flown, weather permitting
  • 3+ judges
  • 2 classes, Expert Class and Open Class
  • Manoeuvres are performed individually but in sequence
  • 2 pilots in the air at a time
  • K-factors apply across all manoeuvres
  • Callers to announce manoeuvre, start and finish of sequence
  • Assigned Flying Box

All details can be found here: http://rcsoaringpictures.free.fr/French-Invite.pdf

F3G and F3B in Kulmbach / Germany, a tradition continues!

From May 10th to May 12th, 2024, the Kulmbach model aircraft association organized a combined competition on its own model aircraft site nea...