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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

RC Soaring Digest frontcover

One of my pictures has been chosen to be on the frontcover of the latest issue of RC Soaring Digest, a monthly webzine:

In fact, I contacted RCSD and proposed a collection of pictures to illustrate the webzine. They should publish more pictures in the future :) !

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Dingo is ready

The weather is still very bad in France, like all over Europe with negativ temperature and snow. This is the coldest winter since I live in the Area.

But at least, I can spend more time in my workshop to build my planes ;) !
My Dingo is now finished and will join the Thyphoon and the AlliajHM already waiting for the maiden flight.

I uploaded the picture of the assembly here.
I will now start a Multifun from Telink (EPP glider) but with a motor this time.

Then, I will finish the second Alliaj HM and start the Strega. The road is still long :) !!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rogallo Wing: The video !

Thanks to Zhen, here is the aerial video taken from the rogallo wing last Thursday:

une petite pause à midi from momozzzz on Vimeo.

The rogallo Wing is a concept developped by Mr Francis Rogallo who died in September 2009.

More info about the rogallo wing on Wikipedia

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nuremberg photo report by Marcellus (Part 2)

More pictures, more products:

Photo Report Part 2

Nuremberg photo report by Marcellus

For those who cannot visit this Toy fair, hahe a look to the photo Report from Marcellus (Jivaro):

Photo report

There are 267 pictures about evrything, from engines, to radio and of course few sailplane.

Many thanks to Marcellus !

Friday, February 5, 2010

Toy fair at Nuremberg 2010

You will find below the link to the different news catalogs from the main brands:

Robbe (new radio FX20, the tray version of the T8FG, new receivers and Servos using the Serial Bus technology)



My first comment is that it a little bit disappointing :(

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rogallo Wing

During lunch break, I joined a flying session to try the Rogallo wing of a club mate, Zhen. This rogallo wing is homemade and especially designed for aerial photography and Video:

The camcorder here is the GO PRO HD, an excellent Full HD camcorder that provides crisp video with plenty of details. The Rogallo is very easy to pilot, can take off very shortly, can fly very very slow, is pretty stable. The only drawback is that when you slow down too much then you loose all the agility which is allready not high.

More pictures can be found here.

Anyway, this is very funny to fly, and an excellent planform for aerial shots. I will consider building one :) !

As soon as Zhen is publishing the video clip we did today, I will share it with you !

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st Alliaj HM ready to fly

I finished my first Alliaj HM. Final weight is 2376 gr which is good. The details are the following:
  • Fuselage: 704 g
  • Tailplane left: 41g
  • Tailplane right: 42g
  • Wing left: 755g
  • Wing right: 741g
  • Joiner: 93g
I needed only 73g of lead in the nose to obtain the right CG at 87/88 mm

I use the RegSlim voltage regulator from Greentronic in combination with 5 cells Eneloop Battery. RegSlim is 5 Nimh or 2 LiFe/LiPo to 5V6 3A high efficiency regulated output.

The weather is still very cold and snowy at the moment, but I hope to get a good opportunity window soon to test the Typhoon and the Alliaj HM.

Stay tuned !

F3G and F3B in Kulmbach / Germany, a tradition continues!

From May 10th to May 12th, 2024, the Kulmbach model aircraft association organized a combined competition on its own model aircraft site nea...