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Monday, June 20, 2011

JR XG8 user manual

Before any radio transmitter purchase, it is always interesting to have look to the user manual as it gives you a good feeling about the capabilities of the transmitter. Since the XG8 from JR, which is a clear signal of the divorce with Graupner, but also Spektrum, I was looking for the user manual, by curiosity. In the past JR transmitter were not "glider oriented" compared to the MX22, or graupner equivalent.

It seems that the XG8 is better and propose out of the box the necessary features we need.
I let you have a look to the user manual (in English) and make your opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pierre,

    I got this transmitter 2 days ago. I have been using the 9X2 for a few years and I can tell this new 8ch is better than the 9X2. I like the improved butterfly and the servo travel limit. All 6 programmer mixer can set curve on it too. And don't forget the telemetry that can tell the Rx voltage in real time! Not yet found anything bad. I will install it on the Rotmilan and would have much more to tell later :)

    CM Cheng


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