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Friday, February 10, 2012

E-Rotmilan ready !

I finally finished my Electro Rotmilan. I encountered few issues during the assembly: the length of the axis of the motor was 8mm too long for the spinner provided. as the spinner couldn't be modified, and tha I did'nt want to cut the axis, I cut a wood plate at the exact dimension. result is perfect. Then I had to change 3 time the battery, each time a little bit too big to enter freely in the fuselage. I ended with a Hyperion G3 45C, 3S, 1900mAh.

Last small issue, the receiver being behind the battery, and not accessible, I had to make an extension lead for the ESC to be able to unplug it easily and connect it on the USB cable to program it or to use the built-in logger. Finally, I used 2 antenna exits to install the 2.4Ghz antennas in the best position.

The plane is well balance without any lead (yeeessssss !) and the weight is just 2.5 kg, which is better than expected initially.

The Rotmilan is ready to fly now, waiting for better weather condition. Here are the pictures taken during the assembly.


  1. Hi Pierre, pls show us the whole bird. :)

  2. hello Kratas,

    I would like but it is difficult for the moment as I cannot mount the plane. I just received a surgery at the left hand which is immobilized for 3 weeks :(
    As soon as I recover, I will not only mount the plane, but I will also fly it !!!


  3. salut pierre, sympa ce montage et ces petites moustaches en colle à chaud on dirait?
    je lis sur le post précédent que tu as subi une intervention, rien de grave?

    bien amicalement
    Jean-Luc Delort

  4. Salut JL !
    ce sont des moustache de chez Emcotec, achetées chez flash-rc. Pour l'opération, il s'agissait de réparer la rupture du rétinaculum de l'extenseurs de la main gauche. 3 semaines de convalescence puis rééducation.




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