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Friday, February 17, 2012

Zepsus Magnetic Switch

Magnetic switches become more and more popular as they bring safety because they don't include any mechanical part which is usually number one failure point. They are also pretty convenient as you don't need to open the nose cone or the canopy to switch on or off.
Zepsus is a newcomer on the market, and proposes its magnetic switch mainly designed for F3X sailplanes. The main characeristics of this switch is that it is very tiny as you can see on the pictures. It will be very easy to install it, even in a narrow F3X fuselage. Its weight is about 3g, which is negligeable. The other interresting feature of this switch is that it is given for 7A constant, which is more than enough for a 6 servos sailplanes.

Construction of this switch is very good, enterely in surface mounted components, on a single side circuit plate. Soldering is nicely done. It comes with JR type connectors on both side (male/femelle) with 0.5mm2 wires, about 18cm long.
Like all electronic switches, the  Zepsus  magnetic switch has an extra low leak current when Off. No danger to let it plugged for a long time. Input voltage range is from 3V to 13V, which means that you can use it with only one Lipo cell battery like in some F3K sailplane. Please note that this is not a regulator, so remain cautious when going above 6V as some servos/receivers doesn't like it !
The  Zepsus  magnetic switch is delivered with a small magnet that you will necessarely loose very quickly if you don't secure it one way or another immediately. With the magnet provided, the simplest solution is to use a wood pin ( you certainly have this in your tool box !) that you drill at the rigth diameter at one end. Then you glue the magnet into it. It also work with a rawlplug.

I'm proposing you another alternative, using a socket head bold. On the head you glue a round and flat magnet of the right dimension, then you finish with some heat schrink tube around. I advise you to prepare several of them and put one or 2 in your radio bag/case to not into the situation where you arrive at the slope with exceptionnal conditions, but you forgot/lost the magnet !!! I admit that this is the only drawback of magnetic switches in general...

Anyway,  Zepsus  magnetic switch works pretty well. I played several hours with it. It is sensitive enough for usual installation into the fuselage. From what I read on various forum, it is used around the world, and feedbacks are very positives.

Technical Data:
  • Input voltage range: 3v to 13v 
  • Output current constant: 7A 
  • Output current burst: > 20A 
  • Ultra low stand-by current: 5µA (micro-ampere) 
  • Connectors: JR-type 
  • Weight including cables: 3.7 grams / 0.13oz. 
  • Dimensions: 25 x 8 x 5 mm / 0.98 x 0.31 x 0.20 in 
  • Length including cables: 18 cm / 7 in 
  • Operational temperature range: -10C to +50C 
  • Manufacturer: Zepsus
To finish, here is a short video I did yesterday:

As a side note, Zepsus is currently developping a very interresting F3F RF Equipment for training. 


  1. Bonjour Pierre
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  2. What would happen if the magnetic poles switched, I know they have in the past? Thanks for sharing the useful information.


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