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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Air show of Valence-Chabeuil

Ok, this is a bit out of subject, but I wanted to share with you this photo album I took last sunday at the air show of Valence chabeuil. This yearly meeting always display great planes, warbirds, jets, aerobatic planes and of course ending by the show of the french aerobatic patrol. The air field is perfect for this airshow, as mountains are far. From 11am to 7pm, under 31 to 32° celcius and sunny sky, we could see a Mustang, a Yak, Zero, a T6, a T28, Bronco. Gliding was represented by a short aerobatic program with a Pilatus B4. Then we also could see a round of the Free Flight World Masters with 7 planes/pilots doing a 4 minutes aerobatic program. At the end of the afternoon we saw the Rafale jet fighter. The guy took of on purpose with the wind in the back using the post combustion, then did an incredible demo, tearing the air literally with the Snecma M88 twin engine, flying very slowly at high incidence thanks to the avionics and gyros. But the end of the air show was reserved to the french aerobatic patrol which celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2013. Their program has been unbeliveable not only in term of piloting capabilities, but also how their show is articulated in the space and timing. After few flyby in patrol with 8 planes they splitted and occupied the entire volume. As soon as a manoeuver was finished, another one by another group or pair of Alphajets took place. No time to breath, it is just magic ! They drawed an heart with the cupidon arrow in the sky, before to do a last flyby to say "bye bye, see you next time!", then landed, in patrol. Really an unforgettable moment, despite I saw them multiple times.

During the day, I took not less than 2944 pictures and video to obtain a picasa album of 175 pictures after a long selection of the best shots. Enjoy ! Later will come a video, but I have some editing to do for now.

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