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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Report: FAI Col de Tende

The 18th, 19th and 20th of July was the first edition of the FAI contest of the Col de Tende at the border between Italy and France. In fact this contest was formerly the contest held in Caussols, but organisers decided to move it to Tende to use this exceptional slope with good breeze conditions in summer. For this first edition, plenty different nations were represented among the 32 competitors coming from France, Germany, UK, Poland, Cezch Republic, Switzerland, Netherland, Austria.

Friday, after the briefing at the end of the morning, we could complete 2 rounds, the third one couldn't be validated because of too many reflies and also because of the wind dying

Saturday was a great day as we could fly 8 rounds. Conditions has been very stable as expected. Only the clouds appearing time to time because of the pressure and humidity had to be carefuly followed.

Sunday, we could add 4 more rounds to reach a total 14 rounds. Unfortunately, it was 1 round less than the number required to active a second joker. Anyway, it was a great competition organized by Paul Eytan and Allan Cohen. We all get a bottle of Limoncello :) !!!

For me it was my first competition with the Shinto. After 14 rounds over 3 days, I won the competition by a good margin. The Shinto worked great, from small conditions to strong conditions. I flew up to 1.1 kg of ballast because the high altitude and the low air density. My best time over the week-end was 2 times 34 seconds. At the last flight, I almost atomished my plane on a big rock while pumping to gain altitude. Hopefully for me, I avoided the rock by 30cm. 

MKS servos HBL6625 and HV6125e worked great, in association with the LDS from Aerotec. I always have an observation periode when having a new plane to "secure" it, see what must be modified, or tuned. At the moment, everything is perfect. 

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