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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jedi Baudis: May the force be with me !

I just received the glider to complete my fleet for the 2015 season. This is a Jedi F3F from Baudis, with a special layup (Strong F3F double carbon), a Fosa joiner with less dihedral. The plane arrived with no damages, as it was very well packed and secured including the ballast. The color scheme is in line with what I drawed, and the finish is very nice. It comes with ballast, wing bags, and a pocket containing wiring harmness and servoframes + LDS (as I decided to install LDS on flaps and ailerons). It is worth to mention that the delivery time has been exactly what was mentionned at the order (10 to 12 weeks), which is a good point. Stay tuned !


  1. hi pierre, is it a double carbon 160 cfk and what's your empty flying weight? thanks a lot and best regards, martin

    1. Hello Martin, My version is a special one, derviced from the Strong F3F version where the inner 50g/dm2 glass fiber has been replaced by a 55g/dm2 carbon fiber.
      The flying weight remains unchanged at 2.4 kg.

  2. Hi Pierre,

    I need your help regarding the servo trays.
    Actually I'm building a Pitbull, but looking your photos the Jedi had the very same type of base material used for the trays.
    When I fix the servo to the tray with the 2 screws given the tray bends little bit.
    Did you experience the same?
    How did you fix the servos? First only the tray, and then the servo, or you screwed the servo into the tray and glued the whole combo at for one go?
    Many thanks!

    1. Hi Istvan,

      first, I always reinforced the skin where I glue the frame with some carbone fabric. This avoid to have deformation after a while.
      Then I glue the frame with the servos in place, protected with some thin plastic foil. I don't screw the servo, just insert. Like this, the frame is glued in place, flat, no deformation. Third, I always grid a bit the extremety of the screw before to fix the servo.
      Hope this helps !
      good assembly.

    2. Hi Ppierre,
      Many thanks for the prompt answer!
      I have a F3F strong version. Do you think the carbon layer under the tray is a must?
      The rest apart from the screw is verh straightforward and clear. Many thanks for that! Could you specify the screw stuff?

      Two last thing:
      - the rudder arms should be assembled commpletely before the trays glued to be able to find the perfect position. Right?

      - on the triangle like GFK rudder linkages are ready to use and no part of it need to be remobed with a sand paper right? One of my mates assembled a Radical jazz and there these parts had a perfect trkangle shape.

      Sorry for the lots of questions. This is my first F3F assembly project, and I would rather ask before make a mistake

      Many thanks

    3. Griding the screw tip by 1/2 mm avoid to have a deformation on the outter skin when tighting it.
      For the rudder/elevator control snake, I start from the rear, connecting everything, and finish by the servos side, to position perfectly the clevise with the servo at the neutral position and glue the clevise coupler.
      I don't understand your last question.


  3. Hi Pierre
    many thanks! (Again)
    Regarding the last question I mean whether you removed any of the supplied GFK horn parts before assembling?

    Many thanks!

    Ps: you fly in beautiful areas. Respect!

  4. Ho Pierre

    I made some foto and uploaded it to the following folder:


    The question I asked was about the marked edge of the rudder horn. I assume I don't need to remove. I put it into position and I think this is going to work like this.

    I would appreciate if you could feedback.

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Istvan, I can see on your pictures that there is a small deformation of the upperskin. For this reason I would sand a bit the horn.

  5. Hi Pierre,
    wich do you prefer more from Baudis: Pitbull or Jedi ?
    Thank you,

    1. Hi Cristian, For F3F only, I would prefer the Pitbull which is more suitable because of its agility (shorter wingspan). For a mix of sport flying and some F3F, the Jedi is a lovely plane. Baudis quality is perfect. Delivery time is always reasonable and respected. You cannot be wrong.

    2. Hi Pierre ,
      for a slope with light to medium wind speed (3-5 m/s) wich do you recommend for F3F : Pitbull or Jedi?
      Thank you ,
      Cristian .

  6. Hi Pierre,
    I am novice in F3F and I don not know anybody with your experience to ask some questions.
    My situations:
    I fly my model (old dynamic F3F)in 3m/s wind today and with 200 grams balast I succed to accelerate very good , even in turns.
    When wind speed up (7-9m/s) I add another 500 grams (total balast 700 gr) but my plane do not accelerate like in the previous situation. Explanations?


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