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Monday, November 2, 2015

[Video] A Sky Full Of Alulas

A short video clip, a slow motion exercice, while playing with Alulas (both EVO or TREK) with friends !


  1. n'importenawoik !
    mais ça fait du bien !

  2. Très sympa !
    C'est où ce site ?

  3. Hi Pierre,
    Yes , so enjoying, genuine and true soaring, congratulations for theese views, i have an Alula too, but alone...... :-))
    Small is beautifull, but three weeks to the Banne d'Ordanche helped me to do my comming out, YES, i want to buy a F3J or F5 J , does some of you , sellers of a Shadow or Xplorer, or similar ? Used,or broken, no problem :-))
    Have fun !!!

    Hope to read you,

    Papy Solex jean-paul.frossard@orange.fr


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