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Sunday, January 31, 2016

[FAKIR and MC4X] milling and cutting machines

My friend Renaud Iltis, well know for his  MiniCut2d, a desktop digital hot wire cutting machine, just released 2 new machines that can be of great interest for the aeromodellers we are:
  1. A new multipurpose digital milling machine able to draw, cut, or mill. The milling surface is 310 x 510 mm which is about a A3 format.
  2. The MC4X is a bigger but foldable hot wire cutting machine. It provides a cutting volume of 980mm horizontally x 500mm vertically  and from 300 to 1000 mm width
This 2 machines are at a very interesting price.

More information can be found here: http://cncfab.renaudiltis.com/ !

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