To make it short, for the moment you need:
- All pilots must have a valid training certfcate before fying a model weighing more than 800gr.
- Model plane above 800grs must be registered in France and have a visible model identification mark
- Faire voler vos modèles en France (pdf) (en Français)
- Flying your model in France (pdf) short version (in English)
- Flying your model in France (pdf) long version (in English)
Please take it seriously ! Few controls already happened in 2019 by the french gendarmerie, mainly in club fields.
When I say "for the moment", this is because some new rules are not yet applied, for technical reason, but it is very likely we will need to install a transponder in our models. We will keep you informed.
Thanks for you attention and cooperation !

Finesse Plus, Association Française de Défense du Planeur RC et de l’Aéromodélisme de Plaine, du Littoral et de Montagne