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Monday, January 3, 2011

50 m/s climb rate and more !!!!!

I received a mail from Martin Pilny about his friend Dalibor's Electro Viking. Dalibor achieved a climb rate of 50 m/s with peak at 58 m/s ! Just unbelievable !!

The setup is the following:

  • Plane: Viking, 3m wingspan, AUW: 2.9 Kg
  • Motor: S-Neu 1509/2D/6.7,
  • Propeller: RFM 17x13,
  • ESC: CC Ice Lite 100A,
  • Battery: 6S-2200mAh Turnigy Nanotech 45/90C

For information the battery died after ten charges/discharges ...

If you have no idea about such climb rate, just watch this superb and incredible onboard video:

F3X Viking-E Race - 4kW - On board video from Rakovnik from PiNa.CZ on Vimeo.

You will find more information, couple of pictures about the build and maiden flight here


  1. Hi Pierre, thank you for posting our video. There is just one correction needed. Viking 2 E Race is unfortunately not mine. It was my friend Dalibor who did this incredible thing. My F3B Ceres E will follow shortly but it is gonna be about 40m/s climb rates only ;-)
    Regards, Martin

  2. ouppss ! sorry !
    corrected !



  3. Absolutely brilliant, thank you for sharing!

    Great tunes too ;)

  4. Super video, many thanks for showing this brilliant action.
    I'd like to know what type of camera was being used, the quality looks really nice.
    Endless lift, MaartenX

  5. The camera is a contour HD 1080p, the equivelent of the Go Pro HD, but with a different form factor.


  6. This picture shows how the camera was mounted. Dalibor glued some nuts into the fuselage for easy camera attachement.


  7. Scooter - Ramp! (The Logical Song)



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