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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pike Precision

I assembled my second Pike Precision in few hours. I started Thusday evening by cutting a new plywood servo tray adapted to the DS6125-e, I finished Saturday around midday and went immediatly to the slope to maiden it.

I reused the sams CG at 102 and the same settings I had on my first exemplar. The new Pike use the same color scheme, whith only one difference, the white nose cone for better visibility at some angles. Another difference is the RDS system which is now fom Samba Model, not third party. No slope at all and very smooth in use. It use MKS DS 6125 mini in the wings and DS6125-e for the elevator. Battery is a 4 cells Eneloop 2000mAh. I initially wanted to change to something different but finally needed more capacity given that the draw current of the JR RG831B + satellite is higher than average, because of the 3 indenpendant true receivers board included in it.

Programmation, thanks to the JR XG8 was super fast. I have a different rate of snap flap depending of the flying condition as I noticed that I neede more deflection in speed mode, to compensate the "reflex" camber.

Maiden went well, and I change absolutely nothing in the settings. I really enjoyed retrieving Pike capabililties in Energy Management turns, with tons of grip and energy. The Pike Precision is definitively a super F3F machine, I like it too much.

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