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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Scale pilot 3D printed

Another interresting application of the 3D printing with this scale pilots printed by Fabrice Estivals. They look very realistic !
(source: https://www.facebook.com/fabrice.estivals?fref=ts)
PLA or ABS can be found in skin color, so you just need to peint eyes (acrylic peint), lips, eyebrows, then build the sunglasses.
Fabrice told me that his next step will me to a new pilot at his image, thanks to a 3D scan he did recently.

Origin Hobby Zulu

OriginHobby displayed at Nüremberg this curious 1.5m flying wing where the leading edge is moving at the opposite direction than the aileron. No idea about the benefit in flight, if any. It exist in both pure glider or electro version.


  • Wing span: 1500mm
  • Length: 816mm
  • Wing area: 35dm2
  • Servo:14g x 2pcs metal gear
  • Radio: 4CH with elevon mixing (not included)
  • With power: 

          Battery: 11.1V 1300mAh (not included)
          Motor: Outrunner BL C2830 950KV
          Propeller: 9*5 folding
          ESC: BL 20A with brake
          Flying weight:700g

  • W/O power:

         Battery: 4.8V 1600mAh NiMH (not included)
         Flying weight: 600g

mini catalog 2015 from Hitec

It can be dowwloaded here.

New items from Hacker Model ?

It seems of this picture that Hacker Model may have new items (displayed on the wall) like a Pinochio, a Fox, and something looking like a Lunak. Hope to have more information on monday from my special reporter.

Horizon Hobby new items 2015

Few new items at horizon hobby with this 62 cm wingspan pocket DLG equiped with UMX gyro, the Whipit:

video here:

the large 4.7m ASW20, 8.8kg, HQ 12% airfoils

The replacement of the DX7 radio:

and a limited edition of the DX18, the stealth edition, all black

Sunday, January 25, 2015

New servo frame with counter bearing

Interresting new servo frame from ServoRahmen, for the MKS 6125/6625 serie. It includes a counter bearing and an easy removal by sliding the servos once the back fixation has been removed. I don't know if it would be compatblie with the LDS servo arm I'm using such as Aviogate or Baudis. Maybe I will give a try.


New Jeti radio approaching !

The french distributor of Jeti posted this 3D rendering picture of the new transmitter from Jeti (DC 24) that should be announced this week at Nuremberg toy fair. This is a tray radio, with a color screen.

Baudis Jedi kit overview

Below are the detailled pictures of the kit. The weight of each part is as following:

  • Left wing               733g
  • Right Wing            724g
  • Left Tail                  39g
  • Right Tail               40g
  • Fuselage               297g
  • Joiners                  115g
  • Fuselage Ballast   440g 
  • Wing Ballast        816g 
  • Total:                 1948g
RC Equipement will be MKS HBL6625 for flaps, MKS HBL6625 mini for ailerons, MKS 6125e HV for elevators. Batterie will be a LiIon 2S 18650 format of 2900 mAh, Zepsus magnetic switch. I will try to find additional ballast to put in the joiner. Slugs are 12x10 (with some sanding probably). I could order tungsten, but first of all the price is now prohibitive, around 100 euros per Kilo !!!! and tungsten make the incremental ballast more difficult. Stay tune for the assembly that should start in a week from now.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

My review of the Slopy in Modèle Magazine

My review of the Slopy from Staufenbiel is published in the February issue of Modèle Magazine.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Robbe new items 2015

Robbe released his new 2015 catalog. Not really new items, no new radio (ie, replacement of the T12FG), lots of rebranded import (eagle nine, align, etc ...), really disappointing !

MPX Heron, the Solius big brother

With Nüremberg toy fair approaching, we should see more releases or annoucements in the coming days. Multiplex started today with the Heron, a 2.4m new elapor glider, the big brother of the Solius, which flaps this time. Quite expansive in both kit or RR version at 164 or 360 Euros !
The video :


  • Wingspan: 2400 mm
  • Overall length: 1100 mm
  • All-up weight, glider: min. 1300 g
  • All-up weight, electric glider: min. 1500 g
  • Control channels: 5
  • RC functions: Elevator, rudder, ailerons, flaps, throttle => Butterfly

Jedi Baudis: May the force be with me !

I just received the glider to complete my fleet for the 2015 season. This is a Jedi F3F from Baudis, with a special layup (Strong F3F double carbon), a Fosa joiner with less dihedral. The plane arrived with no damages, as it was very well packed and secured including the ballast. The color scheme is in line with what I drawed, and the finish is very nice. It comes with ballast, wing bags, and a pocket containing wiring harmness and servoframes + LDS (as I decided to install LDS on flaps and ailerons). It is worth to mention that the delivery time has been exactly what was mentionned at the order (10 to 12 weeks), which is a good point. Stay tuned !

F3G and F3B in Kulmbach / Germany, a tradition continues!

From May 10th to May 12th, 2024, the Kulmbach model aircraft association organized a combined competition on its own model aircraft site nea...