I spent my week-end in Auvergne (center of France), near La Bourboule, in a mythic place were the french gliding aviation was born. We were supposed to have a F3F competition, part of the french league. On saturday, the wind was north-east, with unfortunately no slope facind this direction. As the wind shift a little bit to east, we tried a new slope just under the summit of la Banne d'Ordanche. But the wind did'nt stay in the right direction and returned to the north-east so we had to cancelled the round. At least we have validated this new slope for F3F. If the wind it east to south-east, this slope is perfect for F3F.
On sunday, we waited all day long under a strong sun and warm temperatures. around 3 O'clock the organiser decided to end the competition.
Despite the competition didn't happen, we had a great time all together, on the slope with free fligths in the evening with a very friendly dinner, then table tennins competition.
At least, we had plenty of time to do nice photos. Here is my selection.
Here are the pictures done by Nicolas Fischer
Ce site internet est toujours aussi merveilleux et intéressant que se soit sur le plan technique que pour les reportages, les photos,... ! Mille fois merci.