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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Video of the Quantum in flight

The video filmed last week-end

Flying the Quantum

The photo album of the Quantum in flight last sunday

Super flying day at Rognac

Super flying day at Rognac with friends last week-end !

Excellent conditions, 10 pilots present, 4 maiden flights (Fred's Pitbull2, Martial's Jedi Lift, Stephane's Ceres, Robin's Victor). I could try the Pitbull 2: Easy plane, very light at sticks, plenty of speed. I also continued to discover the Quantum. After reducing the aileron and elevator throws the Quantum became more gentle, and more stable in trajectory. Fred, Martial, Mika and Serge could try it and provided me their feedbacks. Overall very positive. Next step will be to move the CoG backward a bit.

Successful maiden of the Quantum !

2h30 of drive to the slope, 3 hours of wait before the wind decides to blow a bit, a slope with no possibility of landing down, and 300m of walk for the normal landing area, so needing some height, it was a challenging afternoon but it was still worth it because we had a 1h time window when I could maiden the Quantum !

If the first 20s of the flight "were on eggs", the rest was just a pure pleasure. CoG was good from the beginning (I spent 1 hour on staturday to check using Predim-RC that my calculation of the location was correct), just a bit too much elevator and a tuning in flight of the elevator compensation of the butterfly. First impression is excellent even if I need definitively more flying time is various conditions. The agility is really good, also precision on roll axis. The energy retention is superb, despite the Quantum was flying empty and the conditions where light. Natural speed is there too.
On the road back home, I kept a big smile all the time !
I have a short video taken during the first flight that I will post later.
Now I'm impatient to fly the quantum again !
Some pictures below, sorry for the quality but the sun was missing most of the time !

E-Shinto assembly

After doing the assembly of the Quantum, I could start the assembly of the electro Shinto.
My setup for the E-Shinto is the following:
  • Tenshock EZ 1520/12T and gear micro-edition 5:1
  • Propeller GM 16 x10
  • Turbo Spinner diam. 30 mm
  • Battery 3S 1400mAh Tattu
  • Servos MKS HV6100
  • Receiver 7 channels

The first picture show the layout i'll try to achieve. I also would like to add a spare receiver battery located in the wing ballast compartiment, either 2 x 1S or one 2S depending of the size of the battery.

I started with the nose, doing a 3D printed template. I'm using a 6mm screw with a 3D printed centering part to glue the motor mount in the correct position.
Regarding the servo frame, I finally removed the lower part, glue a 2mm wood plate at the position in the fuselage in order to have more material for the fixation screws.
I have also bought 4mm carbon tubes and MPjet threated adaptors to make the elevator control rods.

I uploaded the different file of the 3D printed servo tray on dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/home/Planet-Soaring/Electro%20Shinto%20Servo%20tray)
Let me know in case you cannot access it. Normally you don't need any account, just the link below. You will find the 2 versions:
- 2 parts servo tray
- All in one servo tray
STL and DesignSpark files.
Personnally, I get a better result with the 2 parts version while printing, and I print the lower part vertically.
PS: No commercial use without my written consent

It is now almost ready, I just need to balance it and program the radio.
Verdict is for the moment 612gr for the E-fuselage + battery compared to 574gr for the glider version, so 38gr extra weight,  not that bad ! And I just compared quickly fuselages balancing and they are very close, great !

Essai de l'Ahi dans Modèle Magazine

Vous pouvez retrouver mon essai de l'Ahi de Dream Flight dans le numéro de Février de Modèle Magazine:

Quantum Prototype

Some pictures of the Quantum prototype I received eraly February.
Very nice quality and nice fit between the different parts.
This version is a double carbon C80 version.

RC Soaring Digest magazine

The march issue of RC Soaring Digest magazine is available and can be downloaded at the following URL :  http://www.rcsoaringdigest.com/pdfs/Originals/RCSD-2018-03Orig.pdf

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